Whitehall Group Recording Link: On-line discussion with Dr. Nigel Gould Davies, Editor of Strategic Survey and Senior Fellow on Russian and Eurasia, The International Institute for Strategic Studies “Russia / Belarus and the current situation on the Polish/Belarussian border”
We were delighted that Dr. Nigel Gould-Davies, Editor of Strategic Survey and a Senior Fellow on Russia and Eurasia at the International Institute for Strategic Studies joined the Whitehall Group as guest speaker for an on-line webinar on Thursday, 9th December, at 2.30pm. During a 30 minute on-line discussion Dr. Gould-Davies discussed Russia / Belarus and the current situation on the Polish/Belarussian border.
To hear a recording of the talk please click on the link below:
Other links mentioned in the talk and may be of interest:
On Russia-Ukraine: https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/12/09/biden-putin-ukraine-appeasement-deterrence-donbass/ (just out today – 09/12/21)
On Russia/China: https://nationalinterest.org/feature/temptations-triangulism-93676
Dr. Nigel Gould-Davies is the Editor of Strategic Survey and a Senior Fellow on Russia and Eurasia at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. He is also former Associate Fellow of Chatham House, and teaches at Mahidol University in Thailand. He taught at Oxford University before joining the British Foreign Office, where his roles included head of the Economic Department in Moscow and Ambassador to Belarus. From 2010-14 he was head of Policy and Corporate Affairs for BG Group in Central and Southeast Asia. His book “Tectonic Politics: Global Risk in an Age of Transformation” will be published by Brookings this year. He holds a B.A. and M.Phil. from Oxford, and a Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University.