Green Value – Myth or Reality? The current state of the debate
Dr Franz Fuerst, Rebecca Pearce, and Ursula Hartenberger presented a short talk on their respective areas: Franz gave an academic overview of the topic, in particular how to measure ‘green value’; Rebecca spoke on how the term ‘green value’ can be translated into the business environment with both tangible and intangible results; and then Ursula spoke about the ‘circle of blame’ and how the guidance from the RICS is helping to break this down.
Dr Franz Fuerst is the CULS-funded Reader in Housing and Real Estate Finance at the University of Cambridge. He is the principal author of several widely cited and award-winning green property pricing studies that were conducted in the commercial and residential markets of the UK, USA and several other countries.
Rebecca Pearce is Senior Director, EMEA Head of Sustainability, CBRE Ltd and responsible for driving CBRE’s sustainability agenda in the EMEA region. In addition to expanding client sustainability services and overseeing the reduction of CBRE’s corporate environmental footprint, Rebecca works internally to raise awareness of sustainability opportunities and innovations.
Ursula Hartenberger is Head of Sustainability, RICS. Ursula joined RICS in 2006 as Head of EU Policy & Public Affairs, leading the organisation’s strategy on energy efficiency, sustainable construction and urban development. In 2009, she took on the role of RICS Global Head of Sustainability and is responsible for coordinating the organisation’s strategic activities with regard to capacity building, communication, research and global engagement with decision makers and sectoral partners.
CULS is looking to do a follow-up event with Dentons on the practicalities of introducing measures to boost ‘green value’ as we approach the introduction of the CRC regulations in 2018.
For more information, please contact Hannah Durden (