Real Estate Finance
The Real Estate Finance Forum recognises that many professionals within the industry have a particular focus and expertise on the financing of real estate investments or investing in loan portfolios backed by real estate assets, and the underwriting of risk and opportunity from a financing perspective is distinct although closely related to that of direct equity investment in property.
The Real Estate Finance Group aims to put on events with an underlying real estate finance focus which have a broad appeal to members of the Cambridge University Land Society, whether they are Chartered Surveyors, bankers or other finance professionals, fund managers or lawyers. Recent events include a variety of social networking events, speaker events, and career development opportunities. In keeping with the wider aims of the Cambridge University Land Society the Real Estate Finance Group aims not only to cater to seasoned professionals but also places a particular emphasis on supporting new real estate finance professionals.
The Forum is always pleased to hear from CULS members who might be interested to speak or willing to participate in a Real Estate Finance Forum panel event.