Commercial Property Forum
The Commercial Property Forum is one of the larger, more active Forums in the Society, usually arranging at least one event every Term.
The Forum organises CPD, thought leadership and networking events around the commercial real estate sector, including wider “Alternatives” as investors’ perspectives widen.
We have a couple of annual fixtures in our calendar:
1). Firstly our Market Prospects panel each November, staunchly (and very kindly!) hosted by BDO annually since 2008. This brings together a panel of 4 experts in the field, all market leaders and chaired now by Colm Lauder, to give their views on the commercial property and investment market for the coming year. It is always a very popular event.
2). Secondly, our annual Chief Executives’ talks, given by the leaders of major property businesses, normally scheduled just after their annual results go out, so they are free to say something interesting. CEOs who have taken on this challenge include those of British Land, Derwent London, Great Portland Estates, Hammerson, Land Securities and M&G Real Estate.
The Market Trends panel and the CEO talks both run as breakfast seminars, and we arrange a number of other breakfast events, generally picking up subjects which are topical – and in some cases linked to work the Department of Land Economy is currently involved in. Some of our meetings also run in the early evening, particularly tours of interesting, unusual and iconic recent development schemes, with some refreshments afterwards – and the informal networking time is an important element of our gatherings.
We encourage the current generation of Land Economy and other students to join our meetings, as they can be an ideal opportunity for students to learn about the property world, and network with potential employers, clients and / or contacts – whenever possible, we usually provide a number of free or subsidised places for students.
If you’re interested in joining the CULS Commercial Property Forum, please do contact the Chairman or one of the other committee members.