The Denman Lecture – “The Case for Beauty.” Given by Dame Fiona Reynolds, Master of Emmanuel College
Date & Time: | November 27, 2014 6:00 pm | Add to Calendar (.ics) |
Venue: | The Riley Auditorium |
The Denman Lecture
“The Case for Beauty” – Dame Fiona Reynolds, Master of Emmanuel College
About the Series: The lecture series was established in 1979, and named after Donald Denman, the founder of Land Economy. It has hosted over 20 leading academics from around the world, speaking on topics across the built and natural environment, economics and planning. Speakers have included Patsy Healey OBE FBA, Kym Anderson, David Pearce OBE, Sir Kenneth Alexander FRSE, and David Harvey FBA. Lecture manuscripts are archived in the University Library.
About the Lecture: Having spoken in 1997 at a previous Denman Lecture, “Environment and Economy in the New Millennium”, Dame Fiona Reynolds’s 2014 lecture is entitled “The Case for Beauty”. It will explore the intersect of town and rural planning policy, conservation policy and agricultural policy, discuss why beauty has been taken into account (or not) over the past century, and provide some thoughts for the future.
About the Speaker: Dame Fiona Reynolds is currently Master of Emmanuel College, and was Director General of the National Trust from 2001-12. She is also a non-executive director of the BBC and Wessex Water. She held the position of Director of the Women’s Unit in the Cabinet Office, and held Directorships of the Campaign to Protect Rural England and Council for National Parks.
Drinks and canapés will follow the lecture at 7.30pm.
Details of former Denman lectures can be found by following this link:
Directions to the Riley Auditorium can be found by following this link: