Planning for housing: is it broken? Can we fix it?
Date & Time: | April 4, 2017 1:30 pm | Add to Calendar (.ics) |
Venue: | Dentons |
This will be the third joint event with The National Planning Forum.
Registration is from 1.30pm for a 2.00pm start. The event will finish by and be followed by a drinks and networking reception
Welcome: Dentons
- Keynote: Steve Quartermain, Government Chief Planner
- Planning for Growth: Perspectives on Local Plans: Sarah Richard, CEO the Planning Inspectorate; Jim Fennell, Chief Executive of Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners
- Form follows function – (re-)imagining the Green Belt – Jonathan Manns, Colliers
- Developer Contributions – Back to a tariff Future? – Liz Peace, chairman, CIL review, John Walker from the Essex Growth Towns
- Placemaking & Performance – is there a price for speed? – Standards and speed/Modular solutions/Building for Generation Rent – Ben Derbyshire RIBA president-elect, Chairman HTA Design
- Local authority capacities and mechanisms for house building – Dr Janice Morphet, visiting professor, UCL
- Closing round-up: Roy Pinnock, partner, Dentons
Chairman – APEC Forum of CULS and of NPF, Brian Waters
Moderators: Mike Hayes, Secretary NPF and Janice Morphet, UCL
(programme and speakers subject to change)
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