Department of Architecture Careers Day
Date & Time: | May 5, 2021 2:00 pm | Add to Calendar (.ics) |
Venue: | Virtual Event |
In the last two years more than a dozen large practices gave short presentations to students and new graduates of the Cambridge School of Architecture. This was well received by all concerned and is to be repeated virtually on 5th May this year.
Using zoom the format will be for students to meet their selection of participating practices via individual five minute videos or slideshows with commentary emphasising the career opportunity and benefits for graduates and other students of the attending practices.
Depending on the number of participants we will try to have an in-depth introductory session where everybody can see and talk to everybody else in addition to the more intimate student and practice discussions.
Please contact Ali Young if you would like to attend or would like further information:
Alternatively, you can book via this page, filling in all the details.
Companies confirmed as attending so far are: